Saturday, April 16, 2011

Civil Services Interview Experience-2011

Let.Gen.Nirbhay sharma-07/04/11

Name: Dhandapani                                                                   Interview date-07/04/11
Board: Let.Gen.Nirbhay sharma
Optionals: Sociology,Tamil literature
Preference: IPS, IAS, IFS……

In my board there are 3 male members and 1 lady member m1,m3,M4:   male members,M2: lady member
I entered the room and wish all members.

CH: hello dhandapani,take your seat.
Me: thank you sir.

CH: you passed out in 2006 why you didn’t work anyware?whats the reason?
Me:  sir,i already fixed it in my mind that i want to become a i didn’t join any company.

CH: you are bring money from your family,why you be a burden to your family?
Me:  sir,its their duty and they are responsible to spend for me.and one more thing is if i join a company without full involvement then its like cheting myself and i am waiting to join police service.

CH: are you prefer ips as first?
Me:  yes sir.

CH: what are the steps you taken so far to join police service?
Me:  sir,i attended twice si exam,now group-1 dsp exam and upsc ips.

CH: why you want to join police service?
Me:  sir,because of my dsp,5 si,many pc from my i have a natural instinct.

CH: do you know police reforms?
Me:  yes sir.
CH: do we need reform?
Me:  yes sir.
CH: why we need it?
Me:  sir our system has many loopholes.

CH: how you say it?
Me:  sir,though we are having 32000 sections under various laws,we need it. because our system is loaded in favour accused not infavour of victim.sowe need to make infavour of victim.we are working for them.

CH: who is the home minister?
Me:  sir,mr.p.chidambaram.

CH: who is our pm?
Me:  sir,mr.manmohan singh.

CH: who is the pm before him?
Me:  he is in the office last term also.

CH: ok.i ask before the last term who is our pm?
Me:  sorry sir,i cant recollect it.
chairman pass it to m1

M1: ok,do you know centralpolice commission?
Me:  (there is nationalpolice commission and central police organisation but nothing like central police commission so i answer)sorry sir i don’t know.

M1: what are the issues going on tn currenly?
Me:  sir,election issue is going on. sec transfers dgp latika saran and appoints dolanath as new dgp to conduct eletions in fair manner.and transfers collectors in some district like madurai.
(chairman leave his seat and walk here and there)

M1: whats the social issue currently going on in tn?
Me:  sir,caste conflict is the recent issue.

M1: where it occur?tell some incidents?
Me:  sir,it happen in madurai.uthapuram and paraliputhur are the twoincidents.
M1: what are other districts affected by caste conflict?
Me:  sir,it happen mostly in southern districts of tn.particularly Ramnathapuram,tuticorin,tirunelveli and others.

M1: do you hear the news of nobel peace prize recently awarded?
Me:  yes sir.
M1: the prize awarded to whom?
Me:  its awarded to chinese citizen,who is in jail.

M1: why he is in jail?
Me:  sir,he is a pro democracy leader.chinese govt oppose his move and put him in jail.
M1: is it interference of internal affairs of china by the nobel authority?
Me:  sorry sir, i am not having any clear cut idea about it sir.

M1: do you know the name of the awardee?
Me:  sorrysir,i’m cant recall it.

M1: tell something about tn?
Me:  sir,tn is one of the model as well as devolped state.its more urbanised and more industries are there.44% of state is urbanised.people having good living standards.
chairman pass it to lady member
M2: whats rti?
Me:  mam,rti means right to information.using we can able to know the functioning and malfunctioning of the govt administration.

M2: whats it impact?
Me:  mam,it will improve the transferency and accountability of the this we can recover the public faith over govt.we can able to reduce the corruption in the adninistration.

M2: whats it impact in tamilnadu?
Me:  yes mam,it influenced a lot.allotmentof fund in developmental schemes and number of beneficieries in each scheme will be revealed detail manner.

M2: how much percentage of people engaged in agri in tn?
Me:  mam. i don’t know the exact fact.
M2: you will guess it?
Me:  mam,i think its around 70%.

M2: tell any two national leaders those who inspired you lot?
Me:  mam,i inspired by mr.gandhi and mr.subash chandra bose.

M2: tell something about s.c.bose?
Me:  mam,he was a civil servant,he is from bengal.he resigned his job and join the freedom struggle movement.he head the inc,he starts the forward bloc.he starts the ina and fight against british force.finally died in a flight crash.he inspired me lot.

M2: girish carnad made a documentary film about s.c.bose.did you watch it?
Me:  no,mam.

M2: i asked many south indians this question,but most of them didn’t watch it.whats the reason?
Me:  mam,i don’t know the reason.
chairman pass it to third member
M3:  (he ask the question but i cant understand it so i want him to repeat oncemore.but he cant get it,chairman convey it for me.but i cant understand second time he ask the question third time)how you measure the electric motor efficiency?
Me:  sorry sir i don’t know.

M3:  as a electrical engg you must know it?
Me:  sorry sir,i’m not an electricalengg.i’m an electronics engg.
(i never mentioned my degree and discipline in my speech)

M3:  ok,how we measure the mobile phone efficiency?
Me:  we measure the mobile phone efficiency based on type of chip and microprocessor we are using.
(chairman and m4 leave their seats simultaneously and m1 always looking the top and lightly see me and m3 always watch my hand positions and foots and other things)

M3:  likewise how we measure the administrative efficiency?
Me:  sir,there are many tools to meaure,but results will be subjective.for me self evaluation is the best method.

M3:  ok,what are the key factors to self evaluation?
Me:  sir,we need two things.they are morality and obedience to rules and regulations.
chairman pass to m4

M4:   what is sovereignty?
Me:  sir,sovereignty means making decisions in our own sphere without any outside interference.

M4:   tell some thing about world bank?
Me:  sir,wb is an apex lending provide long term loans to devoloping and under developed countries,simultaneously it give some directions to the receipient country.

M4:   india brought many loans from wb,is it affect our sovereignty?
Me:  no sir.i’m not think like that.whenever india bought loans from wb it will give directions.if it will suitable to us then only we brought loans,otherwise its not a needy one.

M4:   india is a welfare state or not?
Me:  yes sir,india is a welfare state.
M4:   how you say it?
Me:  sir,india is normally considers the people welfare and peace.india having good relations with its neighbours,unlike other countries its not a narrow minded one.our motive is good.

M4:   is really india work for it?
Me:  yes sir,india itself engages trully to bring the world peace and order.
chairman starts the 2nd time

CH: last year one incident takes place in naxalite area,do you know the incident?
Me:  yes sir,its dantewada incident.

CH: ok,you are posted in a naxalite affected area,some naxals killed your personals 40 or 50.two days after that your police officer catched the accused.he has no arm,wants to surrender,but your officer in an emotional state shot down the accused.what will you do in that situation?
Me:  sir,first thing is we recruited to enforce the law and order.its our duty to enforce the law.there is no state for emotion.our duty is arrest and produced him in court.i have done nothing infavour of the police officer.he over rule the i will arrest him and produced in court.

CH: enactment of law impact society in any way?
Me:  yes sir,law is an important tool of social change.our govt enact many laws to bring changes.for ex sati prohobition act,hindu widow remarriage act,hindu succession act,domestic violence act,immoral traffic prevention act……………….like many acts will help to change the status of women.
(lady member and others appreciate this answer)

CH: but still we are have high crime rate?is there any fault in law?
Me:  sir,law itself have enough strength.but the fault is in role of implementation authority.we need good monitoring authority.then we can able to reduce the crime.

CH: do you know a social activist doing fast?
Me:  yes sir,he is anna hazare.

CH: whats his motive?
Me:  he wants to bring the lokpal bill immediately inclusion of pm in the list.

CH: do you accept it?
Me:  sir,his motive is good but his way of mean is wrong.we have no right to suicide.its an attempt of suicide under ipc 307.
CH: will you arrest him?
Me:  if my superior ordered i will do it.

CH: did you travel any place across india?
Me:  no sir.this is the first time i came to delhi.

CH: what do you think about delhi?
Me:  sir,it’s a nice city and people are good.
CH: compare delhi and chennai?
Me:  i’m not a chennai guy.

CH: where you reside?
Me:  sir, my residence is in pambatti village.

CH: whats the nearest city to your village?
Me:  sir,madurai is the nearest city.

CH: then compare madurai and delhi?
Me:  sir,delhi is a more urbanised,people are much educated.they are behave like proffessionals.but though its metropolitan madurai is agrarian structure,people less literate compare to delhi,though educated they are proffessional only in outlook but in mind they are rural.

CH: which city people is good in the sense of helping tendency?
Me:  sir not only these two city people,every indian from every city is ready to help whenever he find the suffer people.
(all are laughed for this answer)

chairman says your interview is will leave.then i thanked all and slowly walk and open and exit from the hall.

I felt it’s a nice & impressed interview.

Thanks to Hari and All The best to Dhandapani.


1 comment:

  1. Nice blog.
    All the information you have posted so far has been very useful. Please keep posting.
    As currently you are in US and preparing for IAS alongside, you very well understand the needs of people like you. I am also a student here and thinking of going back to India soon for more serious preparations. Anyway.
    Good luck
